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Our Contributions

At SoCal Narrative Therapy, we believe in making an active contribution to the world of therapy. See a list of our recent work below:


  • Paljakka, S. & Carlson, T. (In press). So you want to do narrative therapy? Letters to an aspiring narrative therapist. Routledge Publications

  • Heath, T., Carlson, T., & Epston, D. (2022). Reimagining narrative therapy through practice stories and authoethnography. Routledge Publications.

  • Paljakka, S. & Carlson, T. (2020). Love is not dead yet. Narrative couples therapy in times on unlove. Journal of Contemporary Narrative Therapy. December Release.

  • Carlson, T. (2020). What is a good story? Counter-storying in narrative therapy. Journal of Narrative Family Therapy. April Release.

  • Carlson, T. (2020). Who is the insider in insider and outsider witnessing practices. Journal of Contemporary Narrative Therapy. April Release.

  • Paljakka, S. & Carlson, T. (2020). Questions to prepare for an Insider Witnessing Interview. Journal of Contemporary Narrative Therapy. April Release.

  • Paljakka, S., Stout, L., Saxton, T., & Carlson, T. (2020). Observations of Real Effects of Insider Witnessing Practices in Our Client’s Words. Journal of Narrative Family Therapy. April Release


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